Our publishing > Wizard Comics > Wizard Comics Vol.31 Japanese edition
by Mark Mobius, Kaoru Kurotani (comic)
US$ 14.95 1,680yen
Softcover: 206 pages | 15 x 21 cm (Size A5)
Publisher: Pan Rolling (September 30, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-4-7759-3040-3 (C2033)
Shipping Weight: about 350g
Moreover, he and his team have received over 100 accolades by international entities such as Micropal, Standard & Poor’s, Morningstar, CNBC, and Reuters. Mark and his team have conducted over 16,000 company visits in more 100 different countries in the last 20 years to “kick the tires” and find the most attractive investments. The secrets of his investment are…
When asked to reflect on what could be deemed a lifetime in emerging markets, Mark simply replied,“Despite spending so many years in these markets, there’s always something new to experience or learn."
Mark Mobius, Ph.D., Executive Chairman, joined Templeton in 1987 as president of the Templeton Emerging Markets Fund, Inc. In this capacity, he directs the Templeton Global Emerging Markets Equity Group based in Templeton's 13 global offices and manages emerging markets portfolios. Dr. Mobius has spent more than 40 years working in emerging markets all over the world.
Dr. Mobius earned Bachelors and Masters degrees from Boston University and a Ph.D. in Economics and Political Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the author of the books "Trading With China", "The Investor's Guide to Emerging Markets", "Mobius on Emerging Markets", "Passport to Profits", "Equities - An Introduction To The Core Concepts and Mutual Funds - An Introduction To The Core Concepts"
“Top 100 Most Powerful and Influential People” in 2006 ――Asiamoney
“Emerging Markets Equity Manager of the Year 2001”――International Money Marketing
“Ten Top Money Managers of the 20th Century”――the Carson Group in 1999
“1994 First in Business Money Manager of the Year” ――CNBC
”Closed-End Fund Manager of the Year” in 1993 ――Morningstar
“Investment Trust Manager of the Year 1992”――The Sunday Telegraph
月刊『宝島』(2007年4月号) に
モビアス博士のインタビュー記事が掲載されました。 [記事を読む]
『DVD 希望と崩壊 黄金の国へのパスポート』 |
『株の天才たち-バフェット、グレアム、フィッシャー、プライス、テンプルトンから学ぶ』 |
『15万円からはじめる本気の海外投資完全マニュアル』 |
『ドバイ株投資完全マニュアル』 |
『タイ株投資完全マニュアル 入門編 [改訂版]』 |
『タイ株投資完全マニュアル 企業情報編・特選41銘柄』 |
『マンガ ジョージ・ソロス』 |