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太田 創


著書の『 7戦7勝 10万円から始める南山式ETF (上場投信) 投資術』(あっぷる出版社)は、2006年度ブルベア大賞【特別賞】を受賞! 他著書に『毎月3万円で3000万円の「プライベート年金」をつくる 米国つみたて投資』(かんき出版)、『DVD 米国つみたて投資』(パンローリング)。


太田 創 の「英語で読み解くクールな世界金融経済」






In one of the most competitive global industries where mergers and acquisitions are daily affairs, Shionogi & Co., Ltd., a Japanese pharmaceutical company, whose annual sales are around 3 billion dollars, has been enjoying its best performance so far.

Although the company had been laying low until a few years ago, President Teshirogi succeeded in revitalizing this old, excellent company by the so-called "Teshirogi magic". But, the question is whether and how long he can keep up this pace.

Probably, gentleness overpowers strength.


Janot denuncia Temer por obstrução de justiça e organização criminosa


O procurador-geral da República, Rodrigo Janot, apresentou nesta quinta-feira (14) a segunda denúncia contra o presidente Michel Temer, desta vez, por organização criminosa e obstrução de justiça. Com base em inquérito da Polícia Federal e nas delações do doleiro Lúcio Funaro e dos executivos da J&F, Janot acusou Temer de liderar uma organização criminosa.



Brazil unchanged.


Janot denuncia Temer por obstrução de justiça e organização criminosa


O procurador-geral da República, Rodrigo Janot, apresentou nesta quinta-feira (14) a segunda denúncia contra o presidente Michel Temer, desta vez, por organização criminosa e obstrução de justiça. Com base em inquérito da Polícia Federal e nas delações do doleiro Lúcio Funaro e dos executivos da J&F, Janot acusou Temer de liderar uma organização criminosa.



Brazil unchanged.

楽天証券、西京銀行と提携 金融商品を仲介





Rakuten Securities. Inc has entered into an agreement to work with Saikyo Bank in Yamaguchi prefecture that will become Rakuten's financial instruments intermediary service provider. They will work together to offer discretionary wrap accounts and train up Saikyo's sales representatives.

Now that regional banks are facing a tougher business environment due to a declining population, they are required to diversify revenue streams firstly by expanding asset management businesses. Rakuten will increase its alliance partners.

No Rakuten, no regional banks.

ICO熱に当局が注目 仮想通貨市場





Peter Susman, a 27-year old software developer from Illinois, had only three hours sleep, when he was cheated out of 20,000 dollars by a con man behind-the scenes in the Initial Coin Offering(ICO) market.

ICO is an unregulated means used by startups to bypass the rigorous and regulated capital-raising process giving their tokens in exchange for investors' bit coins. But, the ICO market harbors a lot of fraud like Peter's case.

if you don't want any trouble...







After being fired by Newsweek, veteran writer Dan Lyons found a job at HubSpot, a Boston start-up company whose business is spam mail manufacturing with millions of dollars from venture capital firms. Almost all of the employees there are in their early 20s and they are offered free food and beer in their office.
Dan was literally old enough to be the father of most of his co-workers and sitting at his desk using his bouncy-ball as a chair.

HubSpotters were true believers: They were making the world a better place ... by selling email spam.
But, the truth is that such a start-up company does not need technologies and stable profits. A de facto conspiracy between those who start companies and those who fund them is that they are trying to hang on just long enough to become an IPO and cash out, lavishing young and naive post-collegiate employees.

In Japan, there are lots of similar cases.


太田 創氏の著書

毎月3万円で3000万円の「プライベート年金」をつくる 米国つみたて投資

筋肉バンカー沢村大輔 《誕生編》

筋肉バンカー沢村大輔 《円安編》

お金持ち入門 資産1億円を築く教科書

ETF投資入門 上場投信・徹底活用ガイド

7戦7勝 10万円から始める南山式ETF (上場投信) 投資術


太田 創氏のDVD

DVD ETF(上場投信)投資術〜戦術、リスク管理、売買タイミング〜


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